Why the new Yahoo Mail app is worthwhile to try, from the 1TB free inbox to the receipts view

New features are being added to Yahoo Mail.
The emphasis appears to be on better mail management and a clutter-free experience.
The corporation is also providing 1TB of inbox space as the cherry on top.

Do you still recall using the initial Yahoo Mail inbox? If you’re a Millennial or a member of Generation Z, probably not, but it was undoubtedly one of the most famous early internet experiences of the 1990s and 2000s, and it brings back warm memories and a strong feeling of nostalgia for me. I quickly switched from using Yahoo Mail to Google’s Gmail and Microsoft’s Outlook applications in the middle of the 2010s. In the subsequent years, I felt sad for Yahoo’s collapse, but it was the only emotion I experienced before I completely lost track of Yahoo.

Imagine my astonishment, therefore, when the Yahoo team contacted me last week for a trial of their new Yahoo Mail app – an email service I had quit using more than a decade earlier. What might they have to boast about?

According to Josh Jacobson, SVP and GM of Yahoo Communications, “Users didn’t have the same quantum of digital information arriving at them as now when Yahoo Mail was originally established 25 years ago.” He stressed that as technology advances, user demands change and new consumer trends emerge, a variety of novel use cases for email’s potential to benefit younger users emerge.

Consumer interaction with personal email accounts is mostly focused on business and commerce communications (people-to-people communication only accounts for 7% of opens). Josh Jacobson claims that this is especially true for younger users: 46% of Gen Z users list deals and shopping as their top reasons for signing up for new emails (-2x that of other users).

Email is used by over 4.1 billion people worldwide, and even among younger customers (90% of those between the ages of 15 and 24), usage is still strong.

According to Yahoo, the users of Yahoo Mail are somewhat active. Over 20% of Yahoo Mail users visit the site more than 26 days each month, and over 50% open the app at least three times per week. But why is the question. What does Yahoo Mail offer that might not be available elsewhere?

Our teams have gotten a lot of feedback, conducted studies, and spoken with both current users and future users like you. As a result, we have a clear understanding of how individuals manage the “business of life” when managing their personal lives. cooperating with others, making online purchases, and sharing information. In essence, what we’ve developed is a set of features within Yahoo Mail that assist users in maintaining their level of organization and awareness.

The new Yahoo Mail app, according to Shiv Shankar, Product Lead at Yahoo, is all about reducing the unnecessary noise in your inbox and assisting you in focusing on the important signals in a refreshed new look that is more than just a fresh coat of paint. It also aims to address important user issues.

Unbelievably, users enjoy having a ton of information stored in their email app, which Shankar believes improves the signal to noise ratio. “How can we make it straightforward and quick for consumers to discover the items they’re looking for? That’s how we launched the new navigation row on top.

There are two more new features introduced to the email app in addition to the updated “Top-of-Inbox Navigation” feature with contextual filters intended to increase awareness and findability for what matters most to Yahoo Mail users. The “Group by Sender” tool enables you to “group” emails by domain to easily identify crucial communications, bargains, or to instantly remove all messages from a sender. To conveniently keep track of your purchase history, use the “Receipts View” option to view receipts for all of your orders at once.

In addition, Yahoo claimed that the new mail app has features like free trial tracker, which notifies Yahoo Mail users (who sign up for a free trial service online) three days before the free trial is about to expire so that users can consciously choose, a feature that appears to be unavailable in any other free email app. Yahoo helps consumers keep up with the things that are important to them in this way.

Shiv Shankar also said that there are plans to provide Yahoo Mail app customers greater configurability and personalization choices in the near future, particularly with regard to the pinned tabs in the app’s top navigation bar. For instance, I will be able to design a “Newsletter” page in place of a “Travel” one so that I can easily access all of my newsletter emails. When it ultimately debuts, I anticipate that this customization feature—on the timeframe for which Yahoo made no comments when I spoke with Josh and Shiv—will be an advanced filter.

The free 1TB mailbox that Yahoo Mail offers is undoubtedly the main incentive to start using it; not even Gmail or Outlook provide that much storage for every email inbox. Users of the free version of Yahoo Mail will see adverts in their inboxes, however Yahoo Mail Plus customers (who have access to the pro inbox service) have the option to completely disable all ads. It’s great that Yahoo Mail is free to sign up for, and after that, users may decide if paying as they go afterwards or staying free for life is the best experience for them.

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