Notes on Instagram: How to utilize them

A number of new features have recently been added to the Instagram social networking app, which is owned by Meta. While most people may not have noticed the addition of sharing YouTube Music or the modifications made to Instagram Stories, one feature that has gained widespread attention in recent days is Instagram Notes.


Instagram Notes, in case you’ve been wondering, is a text-based tool that enables users to interact with their followers. Users can send up to 60 characters to their followers, which will appear in their direct messages. This feature is a lot like Stories as your followers can reply to the notes created by you, and the Notes will disappear after 24 hours.


Follow the steps mentioned below to start using Notes for yourself.

Start by selecting the DMs option in your Instagram app. Once there, select “Your Note” from the menu. Anything you wish to say must fit in 60 characters. Your followers would be able to see the Note you authored for the next 24 hours. Even your followers can respond to these Notes, and you can respond to anybody else’s Notes in the same way. Though the Notes feature has been rolled out to many users, the majority of users still have not received the update as of yet, so don’t panic if you still don’t have the function.

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