Apple has been operating in India for 25 years as of this week. Two new Apple Stores will open, one each in Mumbai and Delhi. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, reacted on this landmark and expressed excitement for the company to continue to grow on its strong relationship with the nation.
Apple has established itself as a household name in the markets for smartphones, computers, and now wearable technology and accessories. The brand has a long-standing love affair with India. Before even launching the firm, its co-founder Steve Jobs began travelling to India out of affection for the nation. As it prepares to open its first official Apple shops in India, the brand will have been present in India for 25 years this week.
In the event you were unaware, Apple plans to establish two shops in India. The first one opens on April 18 in Mumbai, and the second one debuts on April 20 in Delhi.This comes on the back of the rising affinity of the Indian populous towards the brand. That mainly comes from iPhones and MacBooks having a sense of ownership-pride attached to them.
A lot more to come
In a statement following the achievement of this milestone, Apple CEO Tim Cook stated, “At Apple, our mission is to enrich lives and empower people around the world.” He said, “India has such a beautiful culture and incredible energy, and we’re excited to build on our long-standing history — supporting our customers, investing in local communities, and working together to build a better future with innovations that serve humanity.” In 2017, Apple started producing phones in India after years of importing its iPhones from its primary manufacturing base, China.The government and the brand’s supporters both reacted enthusiastically to this action. There have been a few bumps on the road, despite the fact that it has been successful in many areas. According to a Financial Times piece from February of this year, quality inspections resulted in the rejection of approximately half of the Indian-made Apple iPhone housings.
Although this may appear to be a significant blow to India’s relationship with Apple as a whole, there are methods to make apologies. And I’m confident that the brand and its Indian affiliates have already begun to implement the necessary corrections to bring things back on track.India, as a market and manufacturing hub, still has a lot to offer to Apple. It will be interesting to see how the relationship between one of the biggest personal electronics markets and one of the biggest personal electronics brands shapes up in the future.